
Managing your Online Survey Jobs

Learn How to Manage your Online Survey Jobs and Earning

This post is a follow up to my previous post Complete Guide to Online Survey for Beginners. As there is too much information that I want to address about this topic, it is better to put them in separate post to avoid been too lengthy. Here I will answer some of your questions on how to manage multiple online survey accounts with ease and some pointers on how to avoid been banned by online survey sites.

On the past last post, I have recommended to sign up for as many online survey sites as you are allowed. In doing this, we know that it will increase our chances of getting more survey invites as surveys from all sites will add up in time to come. And it is more productive to spend your spare time filling out surveys from different site, then waiting for 1 or 2 promising sites that only send you 1 survey invitation a week. So in conclusion, this will help maximize your earning in the end.

But having to keep track of 10 to 20 online survey accounts at a time can get very tedious, especially if you don’t have much time everyday. And not able to check for new survey invites may cause you to miss some great offers that might enable you to earn extra cash. So below are a few things you can do to reduce the work loads and cut down on time wasted.

Use Same Email Account
Always use the same email account for all your online survey sites sign up. Before I join any online offer site, and in this case online survey site. I will sign up a new email account specially for submitting to online survey sites so as to only receive survey invitation. I will make sure to use the same email account for all online survey sites registration. In doing so, I will only need to check 1 email account for all survey invites everyday. In compare to multiple email accounts, this has help save a lot of time and managing all account in 1 location will be much easier. Plus with only 1 email account to monitor, the chances of missing out an invite is lower as checking it several time a day is more possible.

Use Roboform to Speed Up on Sign Up
As signing up with survey sites may be a time consuming process, as you usually need to fill out online forms and member profile before been eligible for any surveys. But by using some simple free online survey tools, it can be a great help in reducing the processing time, and sign up more sites at a faster rate.

Roboform is a simple tool that I have use and has proven to work pretty well for me. And the best part is that you can get it absolutely free. It is a tool with many great features but for this case, we will just go into the “Auto Fill” feature. This software simply let you create a custom default profile called 'dentities' that allow you to store all your personal particulars .And when signing up a survey site, Roboform will automatically fill up the require fields with relevant data. For example, on a sign up page where your name, age, address, etc is needed to be filled. All you need to do is to click on your identities tag and Roboform will fill out all the require fields. And Roboform can be easily access from the toolbar of your Chrome, IE or Firefox, once you have it installed. It is also workable with your mobile devices.

RoboForm: Learn more...

Isn’t this a real time saver? You can download the free version or purchase their Pro-version for more features from this link: Roboform direct download.

Now let us move on to the 2nd part of this post, which is "How to avoid getting yourself banned by online survey sites". A lot of people have quite an issue on getting banned from online survey sites after been with them for awhile. As for me, I have never run into that problem with all the sites I am with. So my best guess is that you might have violated one, if not some of their TOS. And here are the ones that I think you might have probably overlooked.

Do Not Sign Up Multiple Accounts
In the TOS of most sites, it is clearly stated that only 1 sign up is allow in a household. As many of you might have misunderstood to that term. Signing up more than 1 account with the same IP address through different computers in the same household is not allowed. By doing so will not only get your account terminated but all your previous earning will be lost.

Give Only Real Information
Never give false information when taking online surveys. As all online survey sites are very particular with accepting quality information from their members. Any member caught giving false information will be banned immediately. So an advice I can give is to check your profile again before taking any survey, as you might have updated it recently and have overlook to give non matching information. And always to make a point to remember the answer you have input for the previous questions, cause related questions might be asked again to test on false entry of information.

With a constant commitment of your time and effort in earning extra cash with online survey, it just seen unworthy to get banned for trying to out smart the system. And we normally don’t. It is always better to keep it real and stay truthful to the site. So take note of these tips and go fill out some online surveys.

What tools or tips do you have that help you managed your online earning, share them with us at the comment area.

1 comments to "Managing your Online Survey Jobs"

  • Just received my check for $500.

    Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much money you can earn taking paid surveys online...

    So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for participating in paid surveys.

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